Friday, July 23, 2010

Sing to the Lord

This is from Will.   What an awesome time we are having every day doing VBS!  Unlike our VBS at Mulder, we are having morning and afternoon sessions.  We start with the kids singing and then do our Bible point and the scripture for the day. Then Dan does the lesson and we do a craft.  It has been so much fun to teach songs to children who don't know our language.  Our interpreter, Mweembe,  goes through the words and explains what we are singing.  She loves to teach, so she doesn't just tell the words.  She takes the time to teach the meaning.  She's also great with classroom management/crowd control.  We had over 225 kids this morning.  Then we sing the songs in call and response/ echo form.  They love the song 'Today is the Day'. They like to chant the wo, wo-o part especially. The children also like 'Power in the Blood' and 'Your Life Will Change'.    Yesterday I had the opportunity to hear some choirs in two different churches. I got video footage of both so we can share the superb harmonies together. Can't wait for the kids to hear these groups at school either. Above all else, I love to see the joy on the children's faces as the sing. God's children are a joy anywhere in the world.   Got to go get ready for the next craft.
In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. It's so good to hear such positive and joyful reports from you guys. I'm sure the kids there enjoy Will's talents and animation! You all are in our thoughts and prayers.
