Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 2

Sunday was off to a good start with breakfast that included fresh fruit like that you only can get in tropical climes - fresh pineapple and papaya (wish we could bring some home!).

Our new friends from Winfield KS included us in their Sunday activities which started off with worship at Iglesia Methodista - a church in Los Angeles located about an hour's drive through the mountains. Rudy, Pam and I even joined in with them in singing a couple of songs in English for the congregation of about 75 (including us). One interesting note was a request from their minister for help in hosting 150 children that are soon to receive Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes. They see this as an opportunity to bless the children and see their families changed too! I thought that was especially cool since Mulder participates in OCC - it was such a rare privilege to hear first hand about how those gifts are used to share God's love and His Word. On another interesting note, two years ago some from the Winfield group had begun construction of the open air kitchen where the church served us lunch after the service today.

After the service (about 2.5 hours) and lunch we went to Arenal Paraiso Resort & Spa at the foot of a volcano where "some", this one not included, did the zip line and most all visited the hot springs and pools. After a wonderful meal at the resort's restaurant we returned to the Methodist Rural Center and ended our evening with a group devotional and discussion of the day's events. Our scripture for devotional was most appropriately from Genesis since we were discussing God's awesome handiwork.

It's super quiet here now but for chirping tree frogs and the whir of an oscelating fan in our bunk room. We still have not learned exactly what we will be doing this week, but there won't be a lack of finding ways to be useful - and since that will start early thirty, we're off to sleep now, so good night. Please remember to keep us in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to hear that things are going so well there. I am praying for you all each day. I'm sure that God will use you to touch the lifes of others and change hearts. You may be a long way from home, but you are close in our thoughts!
