Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday - All Sunshine...almost

Busy day for the most part. Started off with a breakfast of fresh fruit and french toast. It doesn't gett much better than that! :-)

After finishing breakfast and dishes we set out to start a new project. Rudy (aka Lobo here in CR) started painting on Pedro y Juanita's home which is just across the road and Peggi worked on typing up some of Marion's poems. Before we even got started a little problem poked it's little head out..make that a lot of little heads. Seems there was about three wasp nests on the far end of the house. One..the size of a frisby! We tracked down one of the helpers here and told him our situation, and he assisted us with a large sprayer and some diesel. The wasps weren't happy, but they were able to knock down the nests so we wouldn't get stung.

And for anyone wondering Lobo stayed firmly on the ground while I did all the climbing. I began to think twice after noticing the ladder we were using was held together at the bottom with duct tape. None the less we pressed on and finished two coats on the side we were working on.

After finishing our tasks for the day we got changed and went to visit with Elizabeth (the Doll Lady). She enjoys visitors to her home where they can sit and chat with her for a bit. She also has a little shop set up in her home where she sells dolls that she makes herself. They are kind of like ragdolls but much more colorful. In her shop she also displays and sells other crafts from people that she knows. Most are selling their crafts to supplement their imcome and as some are going through any number of finanical or medical situations.

Later after our visit we walked up to the top of the hill behind her house and had a breathtaking view of the volcano and the valley below.


  1. Thanks for the great photos Pam! It really helps to "put a face" on the mission field.
